Firkins Legal Consultancy aims to provide a good service, and we hope that you are happy with the service we provide.
If, at any stage, you have concerns or wish to make a complaint please contact us at straight away about the nature of your concern. We will endeavour to resolve the problem as soon as possible.
Usually, individual consumers and smaller organisations may be entitled to complain to the Legal Ombudsman about legal services if they remain dissatisfied. The Legal Ombudsman helps resolve service-related complaints about ‘regulated’ legal service providers.
The most common complaint types that The Legal Ombudsman resolve are often about:
Costs – where the costs were unclear or not advised appropriately or timely.
Delay – if there is no clear reason or explanation provided for the work taking longer than expected.
Poor information - a process was not well explained, or there was not enough information for a consumer to make an informed choice.
Complaints The Legal Ombudsman cannot help with:
Insisting a service provider takes on as a client after being refused a service.
Providing legal advice or recommend a legal service provider.
Stopping a service provider taking legal action to recover outstanding costs while a complaint is awaiting investigation, or if the complaint is in the process of being investigated.
Insisting that the service provider releases a file or documents from a case file where there are outstanding costs.
Changing or influence decisions made by a Court or other complaint schemes.
You can find further information about the Legal Ombudsman on the website You can write to the Legal Ombudsman, PO Box 6167, Slough, SL1 0EH or by email on or call on 0300 555 0333.
Firkins Legal Consultancy is not a ‘regulated’ service provider – we are not authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority or the Bar Standards Board. Therefore, the Legal Ombudsman cannot consider any complaint against us.
However, alternative complaints/dispute resolution bodies do also exist (such as Ombudsman Services, ProMediate and Small Claims Mediation) which may be competent to deal with complaints about legal services if we both agree to use such a scheme.
Please note that this does not stop any legal action against Firkins Legal Consultancy. We are covered by professional indemnity insurance.