Our Services
Firkins Legal Consultancy provides expert criminal law advice and support to law firms, individuals and businesses.
Law Firms
It is now common for law firms to source specialist knowledge and advice externally. We provide an array of specialised legal support to criminal law firms, which include:
Written Legal Advice & Conferences
Legal Document Drafting
We can review and advise on a range of aspects of a criminal case, including its merits and strategy.
We can draft and advise on a range of legal documents.
We can draft, review and advise on appeals.
Individuals & Businesses
Legal Advice
We can advise on a range of criminal law related issues.
Are you thinking of engaging, or have engaged, in conduct in which you are unsure may be criminal?
We can offer piece of mind and support our clients to reduce the risk of being arrested.
Have you been arrested but released under investigation for a criminal offence?
We support our clients to reduce the risk of criminal charges being brought.
Although we do not represent our clients or defend them in court proceedings, we can play a vital role in helping our clients address their concerns, make informed decisions and navigate complex criminal issues.
Fee Structure
We provide a flexible fee structure tailored to meet the needs of our clients.
Hourly Rate
A fee of £175 per hour of work undertaken is payable. A financial limit can be agreed beyond which no further work will be undertaken.
Fixed Fee
A fixed fee can be agreed in advance to undertake a specific legal activity, whether that be the provision of legal advice or the drafting of legal documents.
Get in Touch
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Call Us: 07800768189